
Easy Essay Writing Tips For Students

The essay writing phase comes in every student’s life, be it in middle school or high school. Although, this phase goes till university too. Where it reaches the prime height of being research content. Writing an essay can be a tiresome job if the subject is not from your niche also, sometimes high schoolers have been seen hunting down the most popular keyword of their league which is “write an assignment”. The reason is they are clueless when it comes down to submission, they need guidance and ignition to determine their strength which lies beneath their un-crusted routine of surfing the social networking sites and chilling while indulging in a Netflix show.

They need an approach to the subject and a command through which they can achieve the goal with hard work and willpower not, by typing a whooping amount of keywords and pasting plagiarism rich content.

So worry not fellas! We got your back. Here we will list some amazing and easy-going tips which will help you not only to grab good grades but nail your score high in SATs too. 

Pick your topic carefully

A best written essay always depends on the selection of the topic. The topic plays a very determining role to shape the entire writing. So students should do brainstorming the ideas bit by bit which pop into their minds. Then after the 1st step, they should pen down the topics which they have in their mind. Note that essay topics should be picked when you have a strong opinion regarding that particular subject or are in strong opposition with valid points. Because at the end of the day it comes down to one’s personal choice.

Explore the question

Generally, the essay topic comes in a question format. And the essay must address the question directly with a straightforward approach. Do make sure what exactly is been asked in that question. Three questions types are asked commonly are;

•           Content terms

•           Directive terms

•           Limiting terms

Define your approach

Your approach towards the topic should be legit, understandable, and to the point. It should clearly indicate which side of the coin you are on, and what in defense you have which can help you in evaluating your points. Methodology like this will impact that reader’s mind and make him understand word by word your thoughts and stand.

Make outline

An outline will be like a blueprint for your essay. As it will help you be stick to the core of your essay while you are constructing it. But, also note that your outline might change the way your research proceeds. There is two way through which you can generate an outline that is through mind mapping and the other option is brainstorming. Your blueprint doesn’t need to be a well-crafted formal piece, it can be as rough as possible.

One necessary factor which helps when creating an outline is that it helps in saving time while you are writing. You probably know though which aspect needs your attention and what should be omitted from the passage.

Create a thesis statement

The thesis statement works like ignition for the fuel. It gives a purposeful and meaningful start to the essay. As it contains your stand and your thought, which you will be going to elaborate it in the coming paragraphs. If your essay topic is based on taking a side, then in the thesis statement you will have to declare the side which you are choosing, and if it simply does not talk about taking a stand then simply summarize the information which you will explain later in the body. This statement comes after the introduction mostly.

Organize your ideas

Your ideas and imagination are a reflection through which the reader can read your soul. The ideas which you germinate in your brain can help you play the uniqueness card in your writing piece. But, writing senseless pieces without any legitimacy and no proper alignment. It Will definitely going to create hindrances in your readership capacity. As too much of improper things make your efforts look vague.

Write an introduction in last

I know it sounds weird, that writing the introduction last. But, if you want to have full command over the topic and what to create an impactful introduction. That can help you grab the eyeballs of the readers, then you must do this trick. The reason for writing the introduction last, is also that you have by this time have constructed and worked upon the paragraphs and now you have the grasp over the subject, so now you will face no difficulty at all when writing an introductory paragraph. You can begin with, a fact, a quotation, or an alarming statistical figure. The job is to grab the attention at the very start so the reader feels hooked on the content.


The body of the essay is like a soul through your window. Paragraphs give meaning and make sense when written in order. Usually, there are three to four paragraphs in essays, which always have evidence, supporting proofs, and points that you will discuss furthermore when clinging onto the next paragraph. The section contains supporting information related to the subject. This is most important as without it the meaningfulness related to the topic will be lost somewhere.

No clutter in sentences

Sentences that have wordiness and contain no sense at all should be excluded from your writing piece. Too much unorganized information with no pattern will also impact negatively on the marker’s mind. As there should be no grammatical mistakes, the spellings should be correct, the link between the sentences should be viable, and also repetition of words, again and again, make your essay look weak. Try to use synonyms if that particular word has to be used.

Focus on out of the box

Monotonous way of writing, and writing facts which are plain simple and used for over centuries. Which over time becomes boring to readers. Just remember that new things, surprises, and shocking elements always attract the mass. So try to incorporate things that act as a magnet and attract the reader and give them something astonishing in return. For instance; During Thomas Jefferson’s time tomatoes were considered poisonous and people use to refrain from them. But, it was our founding father who brought tomatoes to the US and clear the people’s conception of them being poisonous. So, you see this fact is amazing and not known by many people and if it matches the subject of your topic why not incorporate it in your writing.

Avoid some phrases and words

Words and phrases like jargon which are usually understood by a fraction of that community should not be used. As you don’t know your targeted audience, so using simple and meaningful words in a natural tone is the best deal. Also, the usage of slang and internet lingo creates a very opaque personality of yours into the reader’s eye. Avoidance of them is the only solution, to make your content worthy. 

Resolve writers block

We aren’t computers, right? We need a space and a place in which we can contemplate and generate ideas and let our creative juices flow like a river. Try to research topics for study, before attempting your essay. As in this manner, your brain can absorb maximum knowledge regarding that topic. As a writer, it is one of the most crucial times, because you become zoned out. And your brain gives up and understanding anything seems impossible. 

Use sources and substantiation

Sources and evidence are always substantial when using it to empower your stand or to validate any findings. The horizon is very wide, you can simply choose any legitimate study or research conducted to support your point of view. Even you can incorporate notable news articles into your essay. But, all these can be done on that point when you give them credit and cite them properly. As you are not a scientist or some philosopher who knows the verdict or has written many journals on a certain matter. Just remember that always give credit where it is due.


Logically building a sentence with correct posture and flow between the information and your point of view. Which in the end when compiled makes sense and irrigates the reader’s mind to understand well. Without coherence, it will look like a draft with no proper structure and alignment. In layman’s language, it works like a hanger to keep all intact and instill a flow in between the paragraphs. The cheap assignment writing service sometimes surprises you with such coherence and cohesive rich essays.

Write the conclusion

The very last part of the essay is the conclusion in which you wrap up your entire writing piece. In this portion, you will have to summarize your thoughts and review your focus points. Try to uphold strong sentences which favor your opinions and make your stand cemented with citations and references. It is a suggestion that the call-to-action tactics should be used when in the essay you have a side at one point. Due to this you can convince the readers to side with you and understand your deliverance regarding that argument. A good composition writer will incorporate call-to-action in such a way in his writing that it won’t feel like you are being forced to agree with them.


Proofreading is one of the fundamental aspects which gives you a chance before the submission to glance over your essay one more time. But, make sure do not immediately read after the completion of the task, take time to let it sink. After that do read out loud (if you can) so in manner, you can get a clear idea at what point you are lacking and part is on the mistake. There is no shame in picking your own mistakes, as many renowned researchers also do blunders in their writings but by proofreading this can be omitted. Conjunctions, prepositions, the tone of your essay, and does it grabs attention right from the start will be determined when you start reading it. Cheap essay writing agencies can do this work of proofread in few bucks, so if you are short on time, do consult them.

Check plagiarism                        

Stealing someone else hard work is a no-go. That too doing it academically comes with much added negativity. So it is just that before submission you should run your paper on plagiarism software which can easily detect if something similar like your paper is available on the internet already. Sometimes rarely a similar sentence might be used by some other author and by you too can also be detected, but this doesn’t prove you stole it, because opinions might be the same and approach different so there is no harm. Correct reasoning provided at the end will work in your favor.

Don’t overrun yourself

Lastly, even after all these pointers, if you cannot find ease while constructing your essay then you can simply hunt for affordable assignment US. Which will going to help you and half your burden. As it is a fact that students do have anxiety when they don’t know about their homework, so taking external help is fine. As long as you don’t make this a habit by repeating this again when a task arrives.

To sum up

Writing an essay is a tough nut to crack at the end of the day. As it requires flawless attributes somewhat to an extent. But, fearing this you cannot simply back off from that task. You have to take a leap of faith to do such a thing. And writing an essay as said above is tough but, hey not impossible my friend. We have given you an ample amount of directions and pointers that how to begin right from deciding the topic to the conclusion. If you ardently follow things words by words and ponder upon them with determination. We are sure, you will get that charisma in your writing piece. So, buckle up take a deep breath read this blog, and carry on with your work.

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